2022 3rd International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences(ISAIMS 2022)
Prof. Yanchun Zhang


Prof. Yanchun Zhang

Guangzhou University & Chief Scientist, Pengcheng Laboratory, China

Speech Title: Smart Medicine:  Medical Big Data / AI with Innovative Applications in Patient Monitoring, Disease Diagnosis,Prediction and Health Management


Due to the recent development or maturation of database, data storage, data capturing, and sensor technologies, huge medical and health data have been generated at hospitals and medical organizations at unprecedented speed. Those data are a very valuable resource for improving health delivery, health care and decision making and better risk analysis and diagnosis. Health care and medical service is now becoming more data-intensive and evidence-based since electronic health records are used to track individuals' and communities' health information (particularly changes). These substantially motivate and advance the emergence and the progress of data-centric health data and knowledge management research and practice.

In this talk, we will introduce several innovative data mining techniques and case studies to address the challenges encountered in e-health and medical big data. This includes techniques and development on medical data streams, correlation analysis, abnormally detection and risk predictions, including diagnosis of sleeping and mental health.


Yanchun Zhang is currently Professor at Guangzhou University and Chief Scientist at New Network Department of Pengcheng Laboratory, China.  He is also Emeritus Professor at Victoria University.

Dr Zhang obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science from The University of Queensland in 1991. His research interests include databases, data mining, web services and e-health. He has published over 400 research papers in these areas, and supervised 40 PhDs and post doctors in completion.  Dr. Zhang is a founding editor and editor-in-chief of World Wide Web Journal (Springer) and Health Information Science and Systems Journal (Springer).  He speaks regularly at international conferences in the areas of data engineering / data science and health informatics. He has served as an expert panel member for various international funding agencies including National Natural Science Foundation of China, Australian Research Council, the Royal Society of New Zealand’s Marsden Fund, Medical Research Council of United Kingdom and NHMRC of Australia.